The Management of New Team srl has decided to adopt the Quality Management System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard, identifying in the adoption of the principles of Quality Management the appropriate choice for the improvement of company efficiency, this in order to identify and better satisfy the needs of customers with a view to continuous improvement of the product, service and processes, as well as consolidation and expansion of the company's position within the reference market.

The Management of New Team srl has therefore established the following strategic objectives that must be pursued through its Quality Management System:

  1. identify customer needs and expectations, convert them into requirements and comply with them,
  2. provide the best service by offering the best quality on time at a competitive price.
  3. determine the best qualitative characteristics of production activities through the constant and correct application of processes and the use of adequate resources in order to avoid the occurrence of non-conformities and complaints from the customer.
  4. activate communication tools inside and outside the organization to improve the information flow and ensure that customer needs are known and understood among all those who contribute to the creation of the product.
  5. carry out production activities in compliance with safety standards, applicable legal requirements and estimated times.
  6. activate an adequate self-control system of the Quality Management System that allows to measure the activities, neutralize the problems and provide the Management with suitable elements to carry out the reviews,
  7. pursue continuous improvement.
  8. Implementation and management of risks and opportunities.


The objectives set must be measurable and consistent with the Quality Policy.

The commitments undertaken for the achievement of these objectives are identified in the correct planning and rationalization of the Quality Management System, in the optimization of the production cycle and in the correct application of what is defined and described in the documents of the Management System for the quality.

The above-described Quality Policy is in line with the company policy that pursues customer satisfaction while aiming to create a profit for the company.

The staff of New Team srl made aware of the corporate line undertaken, proved ready, within their competence, to implement and support the Quality Policy.

The Management entrusts the Quality Management System Manager with the task of applying the Quality Management System through the System documentation, which demonstrates the correspondence of the System to the reference standards, as well as the task of verifying its application in Company.

At least annually, during the Review of the System by the Management, the Quality Policy is re-examined to verify its continuous relevance and adequacy and to define the objectives to be pursued during the new working year.

The objectives assumed by the Management during the Review are documented in the same and are brought to the attention of all the staff of New Team srl.

New team srl